Effective, Efficient, Integrated
Remediation Instruction

EBLI Teacher Training and Student Lessons (ETSL) K-12 Intervention

Intervention educators are equipped to streamline their remediation instruction with the comprehensive, revolutionary, integrated, research-aligned EBLI teacher training and student lessons (ETSL) that include explicit student instruction in the 5 essential components of reading, handwriting, spelling, and writing. 

The EBLI system closes the literacy gap for learners of all ages and ability levels. 

Help Students Reach Their
Highest Literacy Potential

Students requiring remediation possess a varied level of literacy skills and abilities. EBLI provides teachers with training and student instruction tools that help them level the playing field, assisting students to reach their highest literacy potentialThe comprehensive,explicit EBLI delivery system includes embedded support for teachers so they can easily differentiate instruction as they deliver whole class lessons and small group guided practice and reinforcement. 

Simplified Learning

EBLI’s speech first, linguistic phonics instruction for decoding provides students with a highly effective process and system of logic that enables them to apply the concepts, skills, and information taught to automatically and accurately read, write, and spell not only within the lessons but across the curriculum, decreasing the need for additional, supplemental literacy programs and strategies.    

Integrated Instruction

Each of the EBLI activities taught to students include systematic, explicit instruction and practice of several of many components of literacy at once, increasing effectiveness and efficiency of lessons taught. This allows teachers to capitalize on their expertise while delivering EBLI’s streamlined, comprehensive system to increase literacy proficiency for students and close the gap quickly for those students who have fallen behind.

Accelerated Pace

Structured literacy, including speech-first then print linguistic phonics instruction, is a key component of EBLI and greatly accelerates student acquisition of reading and spelling. The alphabetic code is taught explicitly without phonics rules or syllable types, in the context of a word as opposed to in isolation, and with students immediately applying what was learned through reading in text and writing.

"EBLI has helped me to “Marie Kondo” my literacy instruction. The concepts, skills, and strategies are distilled down to what is essential. EBLI is valuable for anyone, regardless of their level of training or years of teaching experience. It bridges the divide between research and practice better than any other program or approach that I’ve encountered.”

Jennifer Newman Reading Specialist and Speech and Language Pathologist

“I highly recommend EBLI to anyone who is looking to take their children to the next level regarding their literacy skills. It is just mind-blowing what can be accomplished with EBLI.”

Monique Powell Literacy Instructional Specialist

“I have been teaching for over 20 years and have used OG for over 10 years when I was in the primary grades. EBLI has made a gigantic impact on our school. The students love coming, even my middle school students. I have graduated out 28 students this year who are now reading on grade level.”

Stacy Grodsky 4th-8th Grade Intervention

“EBLI is evidence based and it is fun but let me be clear-it’s fun and effective. EBLI is a premiere system of logic that yields gains for every student.”

Kathy Trau Remediation Teacher

“Just imagine what EBLI can and will do for our reluctant and struggling readers along with the good readers? I have witnessed results daily since using EBLI. To those hesitant to start implementing EBLI, I ask why would you NOT use a teaching tool that WORKS?”

Penny Mrek, High School Residential Detention Center Teacher

What Sets EBLI Intervention Instruction Apart

Three Tracks to Differentiate Instruction

EBLI Teacher Training & Student Lessons (ETSL) has 3 Tracks to help you hone in on the needs of each student. Every step taught in every EBLI activity has a purpose so there is no wasted instructional time. Behavior management, student scaffolding, and materials for varying repetition to individualized instruction are embedded into the training and lessons. 

EBLI for K-12 Intervention Training

Comprehensive Student Lessons Aligned with Science

EBLI instruction is based on the most recent research on how the brain learns to read, providing a bridge from the science to instruction with students who have low level literacy, including dyslexia. The delivery of the skills, concepts, and information taught in the EBLI system is continuously refined based on teacher feedback, coaching experiences, student gains, and evolving research.  

Teacher Learning Immediately Applied to Student Instruction

The ETSL evergreen system is set up for educators to learn the what and why of each EBLI activity, including a video of the activity being taught in an intervention setting (1 on 1 or small group) so they can see the process in action. Next, they are provided with what they need for their own students to be explicitly taught the activity via a student instruction lesson.  

Small Group and 1:1 Student Instruction Videos

Educators rave about the revolutionary student lesson videos in ETSL that provide the initial EBLI instruction to the students, introducing each activity via small group or 1:1 instruction while the teacher facilitates, supports, and corrects errors. This reduces the cognitive load on educators as they are learning EBLI and provides students with a strong foundation in the EBLI processes and learning practices.  

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